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Ordering and shipping

Meal delivery is offered in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York Connecticut, Maryland, Massachussetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Delaware. So whether you're in Philadelphia, South Jersey, Long Island, or upstate New York - we can deliver meals to you. Contact us if you have location questions.


Once you place your order, we cook your food on the same day we ship and your tiffin is delivered to your doorstep the following day. All meals are packaged in airtight containers then boxed in a temperature controlled environment so your food stays fresh and safe during its journey.

Storing your tiffin

Your tiffin can remain fresh for a minimum of 6 days with proper refrigeration. All food can be stored in the refrigerator with their original packaging (containers, foils, etc.).


Rotis should be properly covered to keep them from becoming hard. It is also recommended to refrigerate them so they keep fresh.

Reheating your tiffin

At home or in a hurry, your tiffin is ready for you. All our containers are microwave-safe and can be reheated in the plastic container it's packed in or a microwave-safe dish.


Rotis can be reheated on a gas oven-range for about 10 seconds on each side (medium flame) or for about 20 seconds in the microwave.

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